About Us

We are a completely volunteer run nonprofit organization made up of neighbors and friends who care about the welfare of animals and want to help the cats and dogs in and around Seymour, Texas. Currently, there are no shelter facilities for cats or dogs in Baylor County.

The City of Seymour provides animal control services that include capturing and rehoming stray dogs and relocating stray cats upon request. Any injured or unclaimed animals are unfortunately put down due to the limited resources available. We believe P.A.W.S. can provide additional resources for these animals that would otherwise have little chance at life by working with our community and through other partnerships. P.A.W.S. is seeking to meet the growing need for assistance by curbing the neglected stray cat and dog population in Seymour and to better the health of the animals in the community through providing low-cost vaccinations, TNR services, spay/neuter programs, and pet adoptions.

Sweet dog of PAWS

We partner with individuals, businesses, organizations, government folks, church groups, and other groups to help care for our furry friends. We are always seeking more partnerships with animal lovers.

You can read about our Mission here and about our Program Goals for 2024/ 2025. Please contact us if you would like to help in anyway with our efforts.